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ORGANIZATION QUAN. COMPUTERS APPLICATION OPERATING COST PERSONNEL P/A IN KILO Anniston 1 IBM 650 Supply 854 90 Ord. Dep. 1 IBM 1401 Management Benicia 2 IBM 305 Supply 1,068 106 Arsenal Management Erie 2 IBM 305 Supply 894 93 Ord. Dep. Management Letterkenny 2 IBM 305 Supply 1,271 120 Ord. Dep. Management Mt. Ranier 2 IBM 305 Supply 709 73 Ord. Dep. Management Pueblo Ord. 2 IBM 305 Supply 1,057 113 Dep. Management Raritan 2 IBM 305 Supply 1,889 39 Arsenal 1 RCA 501 Management Red River 2 IBM 305 Stock 950 113.6 Arsenal Management Rossford 1 IBM 1401 Supply 574 74 Ord. Dep. Management Los Angeles 1 IBM 305 Supply 124 12 Ord. Dep. Management OPERATING ORGANIZATION QUAN. COMPUTERS APPLICATION COST P/A PERSONNEL IN KILO WSMR 1 Univac 1103 A Sci. Engin. 1 Burroughs E 101 Sci. Engin. 1 Bendix Sci. Engin. 1 USS 80 Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 7090 Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 1401 Fin. Acct. Pers. Manag. 1 Burroughs E101 Sci. Engin. 3 IBM 610 Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 704 Sci. Engin. 3 IBM 1620 Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 1401 Sci. Engin. 1 IGP-30 Sci. Engin. 1 Bendix G-15 Sci. Engin. 3,563 118 Frankford 1 IBM 650 Sup. Manag. Arsenal 1 IBM 1401 Sup. Manag. 1 IBM 305 Fin. Acct. 1 Univac File (D) Sup. Manag. 1 Bendix G-15 Opt. Ray Tracing Ammunition 1 LGP 30 Opt. Design Studies 1 NCR 102 D Weapons Studies 1 USS 90 Weapons Studies 1,574 118 ORGANIZATION QUAN. COMPUTERS APPLICATION OPERATING COST PERSONNEL P/A IN KILO Army Rocket 1 Burroughs Sci. Engin. Guided Missile 205 Agency 1 Elecom Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 610 Sci. Engin. 1 IBM 1620 Sci. Engin. 913 116 Ordnance 1 RCA BIZMAC Sup. Manag. Tank-Automotive 1 RCA 503 Sup. Manag. Command 1 RCA 501 Financial Acct. 2,706 318 Detroit 1 Burroughs Tank Arsenal 204 Automotive Research 100 6.5 Ordnance 1 RCA 501 Special Ammunition Weapons and Command Ammunition 419 32 Picatinny 1 IBM 650 Engineering Arsenal R and D 1 IBM 709 Ammunition Research 1 IBM 1401 Ammunition Research 1 IBM 502 Fin. and Personnel 655 19.5 Ordnance 1 RCA 501 Sup. Manag. 983 74 Weapons Command ORGANIZATION QUAN. COMPUTERS APPLICATION OPERATING COST PERSONNEL P/A IN KILO APG 1 Bendix Analysis of G-15 Test Data 1 Burroughs Analysis of E-101 Test Data 1 ORDVAC Sci. Research 1 BRLESC Sci. Research 1 EDVAC Sci. Research 771 76 Army Ord. 1 LGP-30 Classified 4 0 Missile Command-Hq. Army Ballistic 1 IBM 704 Sci. Engin. Missile Agency 1 IBM 709 Sci. Engin. (Now NASA 1 IBM 7090 Sci. Engin. Eff. 1 Jul 60) 2 IBM 714 Sci. Engin. 2 IBM 720 Sci. Engin. 2 IBM 730 Sci. Engin. 4 IBM 610 Sci. Engin. M-2 1 IBM 705 Sup. Manag. 6 Burroughs Sci. Engin. 205 (C) 10 LGP-30 Sci. Engin. 1 Bendix Sci. Engin. 9 G-15D Army Ballistic 3 LGP-30 Sci. Engin. Missile Agency 6 IBM 1620 Sci. Engin. 2 CDC 160 Data Reduction Redstone 1 IBM 1401 Financial Arsenal Acct. 781 60 ORGANIZATION QUAN. COMPUTERS APPLICATION OPERATING COST PERSONNEL P/A IN KILO Watervliet 1 IBM 650 Engin. and 195 20 Arsenal Fiscal Watertown 1 RCA 501 Fin. and Arsenal Personnel 1 LGP 20 Sci. Engin. 1 LGP 30 Sci. Engin. 365 40 Springfield 1 NCR 304 Fin. and 44 6 Armory Personnel
NOTE: This is a complete list of all electronic digital systems, for all purposes, in use by U.S. Army Ordnance Corps. The list was taken from the report submitted by the Chief of Ordnance to the Department of the Army.